What Is ABA?

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the science of understanding and improving human behavior. It is recognized by state, federal, and scientific agencies including the US Surgeon General, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and the American Psychological Association (APA) as the most effective evidence-based intervention for learners with autism spectrum disorders. Its goal is to affect meaningful changes in human behavior. Components of ABA therapy can be used with aba|tools to help children achieve verbal behavior goals, including receptive language skills and conversation.

Language Development

Some children learn the building blocks of language without much effort, while other children benefit from breaking down the skills into manageable, trackable groups. When a learner struggles with certain components of language development, there are often gaps in their receptive language acquisition that can be difficult for adults to understand. We know that a child’s oral language development is vital in their education and social skills. Using aba|tools can help boost your child’s receptive language skills the way bedtime stories can help children learn to read. Laying a good foundation can help some children age out of ABA therapy altogether while others will need continued services. aba|tools is an autism therapy program designed by therapists. Whether you are concerned about your learner’s verbal behavior development or just want to help your toddler develop more advanced communication skills, aba|tools online ABA resources can help. aba|tools can supplement or replace ABA telehealth programs.

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by meaningful differences in language, social, and cognitive domains. Taking a proactive approach instead of overlooking issues can make a world of difference in your child’s life. Many children who struggle with receptive language skills will eventually develop them on their own, but it’s easier if they can develop these skills at the same time as the children around them. ABA offers a structured, nurturing, one-on-one environment to help children with autism spectrum disorder acquire receptive language skills. If you have been looking for an autism app for a tablet or computer, the aba|tools Verbal Matrix® can help improve learners with autism with their communication skills.

Signs and Symptoms

The presentation and severity of symptoms can vary widely for learners with autism spectrum disorder. Early signs of autism spectrum disorder can sometimes be observed in infants as young as six months old. Common signs and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder include:

  • Not making eye-contact
  • Inappropriate responses to greetings
  • Will only eat a few foods
  • Not responding appropriately facial expressions
  • Difficulty using gestures and facial expressions appropriately
  • Appearing to be unaware of others’ feelings
  • Preferring to play alone
  • Rarely engaging in parallel or pretend play
  • Repeating sounds or words out of context
  • Becoming distressed by changes in routine
  • Repetitive movements, such as hand flapping, rocking, toe walking
  • Playing with toys in unusual and repetitive ways, e.g., spinning them or lining them up
  • Having unusually strong attachments to particular objects
  • Limited conversation topics
  • Oversensitivity to certain textures and sounds
  • Indifference to certain types of pain
  • Delays or plateaus in skill development
  • Losing previously acquired skills and language
  • Displaying challenging behaviors, such as tantrums and aggression
  • Violence or self-injury
  • Repeating language, but not using it independently
  • Vocal outbursts
  • Digestive problems
  • Being left out of conversations with peers

ABA practitioners strive to improve socially relevant behavior by using specific interventions based on principles of learning theory. They have been evaluated using objective, reliable, scientific measurements. ABA therapy offers support to individuals with autism spectrum disorder in many ways, including:

  • Increasing on-task behavior and social interactions
  • Self-control and self-monitoring
  • Generalization (applying appropriate behavior in other contexts)
  • Reducing interfering behaviors and outbursts
  • Modifying the learning environment as needed

Why Isn’t my Child Talking?

Many parents worry about their child’s language development. Parental missteps do not cause gaps in a child’s receptive language skills. When a child has trouble communicating, it can affect their relationships, self-esteem, and learning. There are many reasons for language delays. Online ABA therapy tools can help therapists, teachers, and parents teach and track the learner’s acquisition of receptive language skills, laying the foundation for communication.

We believe that every parent, teacher, and therapist deserves access to a clinician-developed, modern, organized library of language development content, so we decided to share our programs with the world.